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Training (III) for Noir Ladies
The Beauty and Love Alliance (BELLA) is a business city in which UV/RLC suppliers provide their products/services to any interested parties. It mostly hosts a shopping district combining the different product business types available in RLC, deco, clothing, as well services, such as wedding planners, DJs, Clubs, etc (our shopping district is called Roman OneMarket or ROM). In addition, it hosts non profit establishements or associations which need some popularity such as families gates, associations, countries neighborhoods.
This training is designed to provide you with basic information about BELLA so that you can talk to business owners with confidence. Simoni is the owner, Advice the Noir Ladies board for BELLA managers.
Beauty and Love Alliance City (condensed as BELLA) is an alliance of RLC businesses which share the vision of one place for all the needs of an RLC user. It is the supply - demand place for RLC users interested in Beauty and Love products and services.
Information sources:
What are the benefits to be a Business Member in the City?
How to join as a Business Member?
What is the cost for a Business Member and what are the zones?
Check on:
Where is the Products Catalogue?
Check on:
Where I can see events organised only in BELLA?
Check on:
Presentation of BELLA/ROM for you and potential members: 3jgTDtjiyKRM0TtgILpJC_AtSyGHppQljHivYh5HwU/edit?usp=sharing
Your Mission
To try keep traffic within BELLA, to trigger the interest of guests to buy or gift by ROM, to make new members either business for BELLA or person for Noir Palace.
To know
Your win. You are encouraged to solicit any businesses that you know to join ROM. Just like Noir, you keep 20% for any transaction you do in city (memberships, rents). No session is required. You win clothes by AUCTION!
Three zones. Zone A is the area surrounding the main square, zone B are the areas around the other squares, and zone C is the rest of the city. See information above
Contact people to become members. There is a HTML formatted email at Copy it into an RLC email, customize with the business owner’s name and your name in the body and at the bottom.
Shopping experience description. There is a forum page devoted to BELLA at
Parties. BELLA management offers regular parties a month, with DJ, to promo the city. Your missions during parties are to a) indicate or make new business members b) support Noir to new Palace members in PM not in local chat c) support hostesses about the clothes you wear by city suppliers.
Events. BELLA offers 1 event per month for business members such as Fashion/Trader shows. Participating in them makes you win clothes for free and auction promotion.
Adult fun. It is only available in the HOTEL. All other places are non-sex and nudity is not encouraged. Rooms are available. Some of them are rented and reserved to Business/Noir for 150 rays /month (you can win 20% by those rents). Beds will be available in roof garden. If none are available, use one of the other Noir properties or the linked Noir City Hotel. It is linked for this reason. Attention! BELLA Hotel mission is not to replace Noir Palace Group thus, we use it as to attract (dance, chat, shopping, some sex but not our strength there). Noir ladies and Noir Palace or BELLA members are pnly allowed to use the hotel for sex. Politely ask rest to respect this.
BELLA Hotel operation. Its the adult fun spot in City. It has certain rooms for rent and beds for introducing to adult fun and to Noir Palace. It has a ground floor for dance, Hot TV monitor. We encourage you to dance on that stage. You may be asked by a manager to dance in BELLA from time to time, or just go there on your own as long as the Palace has sufficient staff present. As dancer your role is twofold. a) Make people aware about BELLA/ROM, promote to buy, or to join, keep people in BELLA achieving traffic, tour people, chat etc b) Make where possible Noir Palace members.
FIND who visited the BELLA and contact them for revisiting city and you.
Non WGs are welcome to dance on the stage also. If a WG wants to dance on the stage, politely ask that their tag be removed. WGs are allowed to wander the city, after all, they have rays to buy things! If they refuse, contact a Noir or BELLA manager who has boot rights. Chairs are non named since any kind of membership for adult fun is in Noir Palace.
Are you ready to get assessed according to Training (1II)? Take the test after you have registered as website member-user. Only if your results are above 80% you are considered as success. Ladies who have passed the Test will be noted on board!
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