On has to be realistic with one's own time.. it is November 22nd and I am sitting on 2O hours of "auctiion time".... 7 going back to September, plus renewal sessions. This makes no sense. I may be old... 65 next month, but I am no old fool. Taking on another 20 to 21 hours makes no sense whatsoever.
We all live real lives and arranging meeting times can be a problem, It is what it is,
That is the business end of it.
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I cannot and do not want to stop thanking from here for certain words saying that Noir is like a family.
So it is, it is one of the great differences and what makes Noir much more than other places.
And this family is made up of the ladies of Noir but also its members!
And as in every family many things happen. Good and not so good. But noir goes on. There are ladies of Noir that stop being it and members that stop being it, but new ladies of noir and also new members come.
And there are also members who, despite the time, remain in Noir, they follow much more than certain ladies even, members who feel happy in Noir ¡¡feel wonderfully good in Noir and continue for that feeling of belonging to a family, a special family And they continue, it is true for the incredible dams of noir! And perhaps for one in particular, the Lady of noir who for a few moments makes it possible for me not to think about anything else, only in the present moment, in the moment of NOIR
Because that lady Noir, who is his favorite lady noir, is the one who knows how to give him what he needs, she is the lady noir who is always there, she is not a submissive or slave lady noir, NO, she is a free lady noir, respectful of Noir's rules, but with enough personality of her own to reach the heart and make the member feel happy
It is evident that disputes and differences are created between the ladies and some member ... it is the reality!
But in a family it is normal for this to happen, that is why although many members go with many ladies in the end they always return with the lady noir, their special lady noir
But in my opinion, the important thing to move forward is to have a lot of tolerance and a lot of understanding!
Noir has to be synonymous with tolerance, understanding and a lot of love ¡¡¡¡¡without forgetting the rules ¡¡lol
Rita a lady of noir and as always proud to be
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Jerry, Iv’e read through this twice, and have to again. More to come after the holiday! But thank you for your essay!
Gee whiz, I never expected my little notice... a pre-auction date note to say I woul d not be bidding much this month and why, to generate so much discussion... and to be so misinterpreted by so many. Misinterpretation.... now THAT is a word we had all best consider,
In my personal opinion , i think Noir no is for just do rays , why?
because we care of the ppl around us, we do friends also exist a friendship beetween the ladies and members also no all is have intimacy where is the cost in Noir , Hope your experience in Noir get better Kevin and Dog i know u have a strong friendships in Noir remember no all is rays , ppl know appreciate a good person and also taking time for talk and enjoy
Kevin, thank you for your words
I want you to know that I am always willing to talk about everything
I have no problem, you do well to specify that you speak according to your own experiences and I hope that you continue for a long time in Noir and that your experiences in NOIR are increasingly positive
Always with love
Rita a lady of noir and proud to be one
Dear kevin Today we are very communicative and that is very positive I want to thank you for the respectful way you express yourself But once again I disagree with you For starters I'm not a sheep that says beee I could tell you why, but this is not the time. The frankness, the spontaneity is a good thing and I am not talking about utopias although I may have them. Kevin, I don't have much interest in how your behavior is when you are with a lady of noir! I neither care nor am I interested in himself But, and I say fine but, if you reread what you said before, it is you who asked if there was any lady noir who had a free date That is, you have been the one who interprets the attitude of the ladies of noir And tell you that as Lady Noir and even if I am not a manager, I do care what happens in NOIR, of course I do, we are not strange beings! It is true I do not know you to express opinions about you, you are right, but you do not know me to express opinions that somehow touch me When you express an opinion in general, not only me, it is all the ladies of noir that affects Kevin I love to discuss and exchange ideas, always with respect I do not mean to offend you, I never act that way, but disagreeing can be positive With love and thanks that you continue in Noir Rita
Kevin, First, thank you for your post. I have read what you are saying, and to a degree there is some truth in it. There is a cost for our cyber intimacies, But any potential Noir Lady is told in her interview (and repeated in training) that if she is coming to Noir just for the rays, she will not be a Noir lady for long. Personally, if it were not for Noir, I would have left RLC over a year ago. Yes, it is nice that my association with Noir and BALA pays my VIP, but that is not the be all and end all.
I have made some very strong friendships both Members and Lades that never existed for me elsewhere in RLC, and that includes over a year in an RlC family under a different Avi identity. Noir is not a Family in that sense, but is due to the atmosphere and friendships. You know that saying, "you can choose your friends, but not your family"? With Noir, I have chosen both!. As a manager of BALA I need to spend quite a bit of time working for the Alliance - but totally miss the atmosphere in the Palace. I am drawn back to dance on the stage, chat with the members & other Ladies, and get my Noir "fix".
Am I attracted to some Members more that others? Of course! If I wasn't, I would not be human. But it has nothing to do with the rays they have or spend on me. It is how they and I interact both inside and outside intimate sessions. One of my favorite members has never bid on me, or renewed his membership through me. Another only comes online usually after I have to exit back to RL - and is the first I will approach during a Monday party for his free session if we do happen to be in sync. Another I am friends with at this point, because I value his friendship, and the loyalty to his friends and to Noir. They, and you, are not a "walking wallet" to me (I'm a parent, so I know how that feels). I spend my time chatting and dancing with them, because I truly like them.
To be honest, I had no idea that you were in hospital during your stay there. I wish I had known At that time my Utherverse and Noir time was curtailed due to my personal RL situation. That has changed to some degree recently, but still I don't get online as often as I wish. So I keep track of what goes on in the Forum, and stay in touch that way. And I would have with you in the same way.
As a matter of fact, I'm playing hooky from my BALA job to write this. I'm supposed to be writing the BALA Staff and Member's meeting minutes! So I better get back to work!
14m ago
Dear and dear Kevin
First thank you for your quick response to my comment.
And from everything you say check that you are not very satisfied and I am very sorry
But I have to tell you that you don't tell the truth and you don't tell the truth because you don't know it, it's that simple, but I'm going to explain to you what is true!
First to tell you that I am glad to know that you will find some lady noir with whom you will find yourself comfortable, this is important-
Have you been a noir member for 1 year? I have been a Noir lady for about 3 years
I do go out with my members in a free way without always charging them ¡¡¡that is one of the differences that I told you about noir¡¡¡
Does she miss you? I'm sorry for you, you haven't had any luck and I am the way I am
A lady noir Kevin is something special or at least that's how I want to understand it
and not everything is seen in lightning. 'I'm not a hypocrite, I like lightning but not in any way.
You ask me if I have had free dates and you answer "NO" yourself. Well, you're wrong, Kevin, I'm very sorry for you because you can't have that feeling of being with someone who doesn't demand anything from you.
And I have had them (and I do not care that they call my attention for this) because precisely to demonstrate that a lady noir is something else, something that you cannot find outside of noir, because that member who pays a monthly fee He wants something special and I give it to him, because sometimes you have to give without expecting to receive, do you understand, Kevin?
I know you were sick, in the hospital, but I have to tell you that it is not true what you say about the people who asked you how you were
I did it, maybe you don't remember, but I did it, I don't lie, I'm always sincere
The same members who go out with me can certify what I say. What I have said and how I am with them!
And yes Kevin, Noir is a family in which friendships are created, virtual, yes, okay, but sometimes they can be so intense that they make us feel good-
Kevin, have you spent a lot of rays to be with 1 or 2 ladies?
There are many more members who spend more and maybe because they can be with a single lady. It all comes down to the satisfaction you can receive, how you feel when you are in Noir! Each member is different and although it seems that they all seek the same It's not like that, that's why they pay a fee, because they want something different.
Kevin ask yourself the following question: why does a member of noir pay a monthly fee? Just for sex? the answer is NO and you know it
You can have sex easily and much cheaper outside of noir
In Noir you have something special, something that is not out of noir, that is the truth
IT'S THE DIFFERENCE! There are members who find their balance in Noir with the dams de noir or with their lady of noir
I could keep talking and explaining much more, but for now it's enough
Kevin, once again, thank you for being a member of noir
and one more time
I am Rita, a lady noir and proud to be one
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Querido y estimado Kevin
Primero agradecer tu rapida respuesta a mi comentario.
Y de todo lo que dices comprobar que no estas muy satisfecho y lo siento mucho
Pero tengo que decirte que no dices la verdad ¡¡y no dices la verdad porque no la conoces ,es asi de sencillo ¡¡pero te voy a explicar lo que si es verdad¡
Primero decirte que me alegro saber que encontraras alguna dama noir con quien te encontraras a gusto,esto es importante-
Eres miembro de noir desde hace 1 año?Yo soy una dama de Noir desde hace mas o menos 3años
Yo si salgo con mis miembros de una formas gratis sin cobrarles siempre¡¡¡esa es una de las diferencias de las que te hable de noir¡¡¡
Te extraña?lo siento por ti ,no has tenido suerte.Y yo soy como soy
Una dama noir Kevin es algo especial o al menos asi quiero yo entenderlo
y no todo se vsalora en rayos´.No soy una hipocrita ,los rayos me gustan pero no de cualquier forma.
Me preguntas si he tenido citas gratis y tu mismo rerspondes "NO"Pues te equivocas kevin¡lo siento mucho por ti porque no puedes tener esa sensacion de estar con alguien que no te exije nada.
Y las he tenido (y no me im porta que me llamen la atencion po r esto)porque precisamente para demostrar que una dama noir es algo mas¡¡¡algo que no podras encontrar fuera de noir.Porque ese miembro que paga una cuota mensual quiere algo especial y yo se lo doy,porque a veces hay que dar sin esperar recibir¡¡lo entiendes kevin?
Se que estuvistes enfermo ,en el hospital ,pero tengo quer decirte que no es verdad lo que dices de las personas que te preguntaron de como estabas
Yo lo hice ,quizas no te acuerdes .pero lo hice,yo no miento,siempre soy sincera
Los mismos miembros que salen conmigo te pueden certificar lo que digo .lo que he dicho y como soy con ellos¡¡
Y si kevin ,Noir es una familia en la que se crean amistades ,virtuales ,si de acuerdo ,pero a veces pueden llegar a ser tan intensas que nos hacen sentirnos bien-
Kevin has gastado muchos rays por estar con 1 o 2 damas ?
Hay muchos mas miembros que se gastan mas y quizas por poder estar con una sola dama .Todo se reduce a la satisfaccion que puedas recibir,a como te sientes cuando estas en Noir¡¡Cada miembro es diferente y aunque parece que busquen todos lo mismo ,no es asi,por eso pagan una cuota ,porque quieren algo diferente.
Kevin hazte la siguiente pregunta:porque un o una miembro de noir paga una cuota mensual?solo por sexo? la respuesta es NO y lo sabes
El sexo lo puedes tener de manera facil y mucho mas barata fuera de noir
En Noir tienes algo especial ,algo que no esta fuera de noir ,esa es la verdad
ES la DIFERENCIA¡¡.Hay miembros que encuentran su equilibrio en Noir con las dams de noir o con su dama de noir
Te podria seguir hablando y explicando mucho mas ,pero de momento ya es suficiente
Kevin ,una vez mas ,graciasd por ser miembro de noir
y una vez mas
Soy Rita ,una dama noir y orgullosa de serlo
I think the lackof contact from fellow members is more a measure of respect fro privacy than anything else. People come and go,... before CoVid, travel. People have lives outside of NOIR, people sign on with "appear off-line".
Hi Kevin
I have read your message and in its first part it seems very good
But I didn't like your final part
I do not know what kind of relationships you have in noir, or if they are satisfactory for you or if something else is missing. I understand from what you say, from that comment that you are missing something.
But that does not give you the right to generalize.
I like lightning, I'm not a hypocrite but I insist that's not all it's not enough for me.
As you know and everyone knows I have two relationships more intense than others. And I have been with them for a long time. One of them is almost 2 years ago. Do you truly believe that it is only because of the rays? It is because links are created, because with the treatment Feelings are created, because you are giving much more of yourself and that person thanks you and feels for you also certain feelings. Sometimes it is not easy to control all this, right now I have problems with one of them, because he would like to have even more time With me and I try to make him understand the meaning of Noir You say that once the lights go out, Lady Noir forgets everything until the next day she receives the rays again and becomes affectionate
I particularly regret this situation, I understand from what you say that you are not satisfied with what you receive from Noir. But perhaps as it happens to many, you have not found the lady noir with whom you feel more comfortable. It is not easy to be a lady either. Noir and attend to different types of members.But kevin ask yourself the following question, why are there such old members that are still in NOIR? If you look closely, you will see that they go with several, but, but they always have their preferred lady noir. Give names, but you know it as I do. There is always that lady noir that makes you want to return.
All this to tell you that rays are important, of course they are.
But they are not everything! I could explain more cases that have happened to me, but I think that for now it is fine as is
Kevin, thanks for being in Noir, I tell you honestly
Rita !!❤️
Do not hesitate Phil! The difference, always the difference!
Noir is different and it is that difference that makes it great
It's not just the rays, you know me a little already and you know how I am.
In noir you find what is not outside of it. Noir is more than sex, much more!
Phil, you members pay a monthly subscription and renew it because you find in that lady of Noir something that makes you feel good!
And sometimes relationships are created that go beyond sex.
Monthly fees are paid, there are the auctions, the sessions.
All this is part of the magic of Noir., And when you enter Noir you forget everything that is left behind! You forget problems, or you are looking for fun, or after some time in Noir you look for her, simply her, that lady of Noir with Who do you feel too? You look for every possible moment to be with her, because she gives you, gives you what you need! You also go with the other ladies of noir, but you always return to her, to that lady of noir who is special To that lady of Noir who does not look at the time when she is with you, who talks to you about everything, who listens to you and knows how to give you the pleasure that makes you happy.
It is not about being an eternity of time and wasting time in real life, it is about spending the necessary time ¡¡just the right time¡¡¡ and that each day that ends up you are wanting to return the next day! next¡¡¡ and the next¡¡¡
Enter Noir and let yourself be carried away by the sensations ¡¡Let a Noir lady give you what you need ¡¡Noir is different Phil, you know it, and in Noir is your rest and your virtual happiness ¡¡which is sometimes confused! ¡¡
Rita, a lady noir and proud to be one
Blondage, I know that,
DF!!!! Please don't EVER think you are just about rays to us! We love just your company first and foremost! I could never have a session with you again, and my eyes will STILL light up when I see you come into the Palace! Please never forget that. The auctions and the sessions are part of Noir, yes. BUT, the relationships between the ladies and with our members is the heart of what Noir truly is.