Utherverse / RLC organises on 13 - 15th of May a business exhibition with events, awards and networking for the whole community. In this aspect, BELLA city and Noir Palace are interested to participating actively and contributing to the community.
We would much appreciate both business and person Members to sponsor our participation into this 3day event in Utherverse. We seek for the ultimate Sponsor participant, GOLD one, costing 750 USD.
Provide here your views about the event along to your wish to donate into our participation as GOLD sponsors of this event.
Yes, an excellent job was done by all involved with Noir. Very impressive!
Took them long enough!
Wrap Report by RLC June, 4th:
Outstanding distinction for BELLA and NOIR Palace themselves:
I may have said whoa before but now ,,, WHOA!!
Is there a code to put any of these onto our profiles? I may not be a noir lady but I am still a strong supporter and want to add one or more to my profile page
Noir Palace and BELLA city along to Utherverse/RLC are agreed to design and co-run 2022 Business Excellence Awards. The Awards will be designed as a new business excellence model by Noir Palace and BELLA in this year and they will be run and operated in the following year!!!
Virtual Business Excellence model will include criteria of excellence for organisational performance, people and members satisfaction along to the contribution to the society!
We... purplelicious exceeded our expectations ! Recognised RLC wide, awarded, branded, thanked, ... and much more to follow! What better could be?
You can post them to your profile, website, anywhere!
All I can say is whoa!
On 27th of May we sent to RLC (VC2021) the following email:
1) We accept a Certificate of Recognition as GOLD (& Networking) Sponsor, announced into forums, wrap report or other media
2) We d like all awards given this year to have sponsor names on each award / certificate [it was included into the guidelines you had sent to us]. Consider please if you have to re-run the awards of the attendees again simply through our social profiles, so you have only 1 vote by a participated business and not votes with a link. You , we, all know that 2021 Awards dont represent what you had stated they will present.. It will give more credibility to RLC Business. Up to you what importance you wish to give. I dont mind any choice, personally, certainly i would welcome it.
3) I accept a partially refund as you proposed, 4000 rays.
4) You may enrich Forums to wrap up and include day 3, plus our whole contribution. We dont ask for a public apology although it would be welcomed.
5) Marketing in Transports, Social Profiles, RLC Street for 6 months 2 posters (one for Noir, one for BELLA) [your proposal but extended total 6 months for 2 posters]
6) Our businesses Noir Palace and BELLA city to provide high level design for Awards, RLC to execute on the design [you asked for help]
On top of the above, optionally, please consider the next issues which we wish to get involved:
A) Our participation into the next VC organisation (RLC with the contribution of the Gold Sponsor VC 2021 ....)
B) RLC Business Awards as a new activity co-organised by the Noir Palace & BELLA and RLC. A process which has nothing to do with the simple "Attendees Awards" during a Virtual Convention by RLC. (consider a light version of the Baldrige Awards in USA). If you have watched our speeches in 3D theatre, we were much focus on issues of high real life business interest (Total Quality, CSR, EFQM business models).
C) Despite the Developers difficulty, as an exception, to have the chance to keep a badge with our business name above [Noir Palace] or [BELLA City], as VC2021 Gold and Networking Sponsors, announced into forums for some period of time. Technically, it s possible since you did with our VC Gold badges, I guess.
Considering all of the above as well as your wish to get improved and deliver what you state, I could motivate our communities to re-apply for 2022 as Gold Sponsors.
On 1st of June, RLC replied to us as follows:
​Thank you for your patience in this matter.
Certificate of recognition as Gold & Networking Sponsor: (6 in your points) If you’d like your team to design it that's fine, or I can send you the design and your team can edit it - please let me know what you’d prefer, and if a photoshop document is fine or if you'd need it in a different format. I will wait to publish the Wrap Report until the certificate is complete, so that I can include it in that post. OR if you prefer, I can publish the report, and when the certificate is done I can add a new reply that announces your certificate.
Awards have already been sent out, so I cannot add the sponsorship to them. The awards show was and always has been Audience Choice, and therefore a re-run of this year’s awards will not be made. We do not believe it was ever communicated that only businesses could vote. I will, however, request that our dev team look into a way to ensure only people actually present at the venue can vote.
The refund of 4000 Rays has been processed
A day 3 summary has been published on the VirtualCon forum post along with an apology for not including your branding
The Wrap Report is ready to be published once the certificate has been created. I will add the certificate to the post before publishing, unless you choose to have it announced in a separate post
Please send the ad images & links and I can get these started right away to run for 6 months. The Transport and Street ads can be square, 1024x1024. The Social Center ads should be 728x90
We cannot guarantee sponsorship spots in next year’s convention, especially since we will be updating the Sponsorship packages to be less outdated, and this will be done closer to the convention date. Next year we will be taking applications for each sponsor type, and you will be welcome to submit an application at that time.
If you would like to run a business awards show, you are welcome to do so. At the moment, we do not have room for an additional staff-sponsored event this year, but we could revisit this at a later date. If you mean during the next convention, we will be adding a category specifically for participants (not attendees) to vote on, but will not be running a separate show in tandem with the attendee show.
Because business badges have been inquired about for a long time and are in the development pipeline, we do not wish to release them early. In addition to this, they are not managed automatically by the system, and must be manually created, added, and removed. Once we have an automated, user-managed system for business badges, you will be able to add your custom badges to your team.
Best in vcon Dyno :)
Of course l am ... giggle
I am glad to see that you have given a voice to RLC about how to better the convention in hopes of bettering in the following years. Perhaps next year, be on the committee that organizes to ensure that these issues are not repeated
Hello RLC Business !
During 13-15 May, Noir Palace and BELLA participated into the virtual convention organised by RLC/UV as the GOLD and NETWORKING Sponsors. We had fairly represented our booths in it, made social networking, helped whole RLC community through the SWAG BAG items, gave 2 speeches about BELLA and Noir Palace, participated in Awards Ceremony and organised the after awards party in BELLA City.
I would like to deeply thank UV/RLC for this opportunity along to our Members and NOIR Ladies who contributed and sponsored this initiative which indeed helped whole VC2021. This initiative brought up the social side of our communities to let wellness exceed the virtual boundaries of Noir Palace and BELLA.
Taking this opportunity, I would like to mention a few issues that disappointed our people (members, ladies) which might be used for the BENEFIT of UV/RLC.
A) Main Hall for the Gold and Networking Sponsors. It was a room in where there was NO music at all, silent, NO events organised by VC/RLC, NO invited DJs, NO other businesses, NO RLC initiatives (it should be there the UA and the Voluteers). Thus the Main Hall was JUST a corridor for people to go to the Sponsors Hall where events, DJs and most people were.
B) Noir Palace and BELLA City invested more than 12000 rays on the VC2021. We invested also time to make this an outstanding event. It would be expected that VC2021 organisers would either a) Provide a certificate/award of appreciation to our communities above any Awards! b) highlight in all correspodence the sponsors (gold, silver, bronze, networking) c) provide live feedback from first day of the event into the main hall.
A huge investment by us (rays and time) with non visible appreciation of VC2021 organisers.
C) Awards! They were repeating in more than one businesses. What for? Awards are given by the crowd voting? Thus ANYONE with a link even outside RLC could vote as long as they had the link. Let me tell that this is not a serious or smart organisation. I would accept that VC2021 badged people could vote. Not the rest. Thus Awards were not that smart designed.
D) RLC FORUMS. VC 2021 staff uploaded pictures by Days 1 and 2 but forgot Day 3 speeches, and after awards party! (see this comparison here: https://i.postimg.cc/fLH4yLz9/RLC-VC-2021-3.jpg). Once again, we were disappointed to see that we, Gold and Networking Sponsors were forgotten even in forums, day3, presentation.
E) RLC OWN GUIDELINES were not met (https://i.postimg.cc/59wLbcnf/RLC-guidelines.png). In point 2, VC2021 says that Main Hall is a jumping point to rest places. Indeed, it was most a like a corridor to visit the places where events were placed. One could also landmarked the place wanted to visit.
In the point 3, VC2021 says that Logo and Branding on all Awards and events are provided. We did not see these at all.
In the point 4, we have not seen any advertisment on newsletters, or a VC2021 website.
F) No close up event, like to see some considerations, feedback, etc by RLC staff. Just awards and bye bye.
The above points are mentioned to RLC Business with love and appreciation of your efforts to make a better RLC. We would be glad to feel and see some corrective actions by you, other than "get 2 months more a badge or an ad into transport". In any case, we wish an outstanding RLC and we will continue make it better!
Noir Palace
A spreadsheet with the information broken out is available at
After awards party LOG in BELLA CITY: 143 people visited it.
My thoughts, after the VC2021 participation as Noir Palace and BELLA City:
Noir Palace and BELLA city won:
The appreciation of their communities for the hard work to be there, as the most intelligent and professional entities in Utherverse / RLC wide.
The confidence that we are able to support RLC communities, new businesses, users by our generous wide donation in SWAG BAG items,
The satisfaction to work as a team to organise our resources to build, decorate, coordinate our main hall booth, hall 8 booths, make considerable speeches,
The BELLA businesses satisfaction to get promoted, heard, seen and awarded through VC 2021.
Assessment of Gold and Networking Sponshorships:
Poor organisation by Utherverse / RLC and support in the Main Hall, during 13-15 May. No DJs, events or representation by RLC. It was like deportation of us into a place without RLC Volunteers, Utherverse Academy. Music-less. Event-less.
Awards were given considering any user feedback, thus they could be even outside RLC, instead of only exhibitors votes! Awards dont represent a jury s decisions with criteria but just how many times you can vote for you (using not stable IP, could be thousand times, just 1 person).
No close up event, like to see some considerations, feedback, etc by RLC staff. Just awards and bye bye. Not professional for businesses.
After awards party was an event just for the Pacific time users. EU people and even Eastern USA time people had last importance.
RLC/UV VC 2021 organisation provided us a clear view of what works and what not works! I am very pleased to have a SWOT view of RLC organisatgion while I am inspired by our own team (VC one), Dynosisthebest mostly to run a NOIR VC 2021 later this year!
Thanks to our communities for this outstanding chance!
Thank you for the post
VirtualCon Schedule Published!
All times are US Pacific Time
Schedule has been updated as due to some embarrassing brain flatulence, the 5PM Bordello Reborn presentation was posted on the wrong day. If you still see it on Thursday instead of Friday, please refresh or clear your cache!
Last year video to feed this year own expectations and exceed them!!
@Cyndi_J @Anita @_Frances @starburst_lily @Sir_Libitinarius Glenn @Newfie1115 Steve @Hunnybee72